Have you ever been in meeting after meeting where the exact same problem appears over and over again?
We are sure you have and, to help you overcome them, we present the Gray Area concept developed at Sigma.

Gray areas are lagoons, missing pieces in a process, in communication or the execution of a project that hinder its success. Maybe a deadline isn’t being met, an email wasn’t sent or an agreement isn’t being respected. For Sigma in Mexico, they are their first step towards a cultural transformation and they’re on the road to eliminating them completely.
A gray area may be solved in many ways: adding people to the equation, changing responsibilities from one department to another, adding a small step in a big process or modifying it completely. The solution may be as simple as sending an extra reminder email or setting up a weekly meeting to follow up on something.
So, when you feel a gray area is at hand, follow these steps:

Done! The next time you’re in a meeting and hear that something didn’t go amazingly again, analyze if you have a gray area in your hands and follow these steps.