Investor information

  • Gradual and orderly process to eliminate ALFA’s conglomerate discount through the transition to an independent business model. It is a priority to ensure a solid financial position throughout the transformation.
  • Initiative based on three key implementation guidelines:

            – Strengthen the balance sheet

            – Strengthen the businesses

            – Enhance independence

  • First step successfully implemented in 2020. Nemak became the first 100% independent ALFA company. ALFA ceded its stake in Nemak through the spin-off of Controladora Nemak. ALFA shareholders received one Controladora Nemak share for each of their ALFA shares.
  • Reinforcing the financial position is an important precondition to continue with the next steps of the transformation process, including the possible spin-off of Alpek.

ALFA – Hernán F. Lozano (

Sigma – César Gómez (

Alpek – Antón Fernández (

Axtel – Nancy Llovera (