Corporate  Bylaws

The Company was incorporated on March 13, 1967. Its current company name, as of March 19, 2006, is ALFA S.A.B. de C.V., and its registered headquarters is located in the municipality of San Pedro Garza García, Nuevo León.

The Company is managed by a Board of Directors which comprises twelve regular members who have no alternates. Of this number, seven are Independent, three are Related Proprietary, one is Independent Proprietary and, lastly, one without a specific classification, for being the CEO of a public limited company in whose board of directors our President participates.

*Information only available in Spanish

Best  Corporate Practices

ALFA works to ensure that the decisions made in pursuit of the company’s strategy are consistent with the highest standards of integrity, transparency, and value generation. ALFA adheres to the Code of Principles and Best Practices of Corporate Governance (known by its Spanish acronym CMPC), which has been in place in Mexico since 2000.

The purpose of the Code is to provide Mexican companies with a series of recommendations that will enable them to make their management performance more efficient and to provide timely and transparent information to their shareholders and creditors, as well as a framework of reference for corporate governance matters, to increase investor confidence in Mexican companies.

*Information only available in Spanish

Official Documents

* Information only available in Spanish

Management Team


Álvaro Fernández Garza

Chairman & CEO

Joined ALFA in 1991. Bachelor’s degree from Notre Dame University. Master degrees from Tecnológico de Monterrey and MBA from Georgetown University.


Rodrigo Fernández Martínez

Chief Executive Officer Sigma

Joined ALFA in 1998. Bachelor’s degree from the University of Virginia. Master's degree from Wharton School.


Jorge Young Cerecedo

Chief Executive Officer Alpek

Joined ALFA in 1990. Bachelor’s degree from Tecnológico de Monterrey. Master's degree from Wharton School.


Eduardo Alberto Escalante Castillo

CFO and Senior VP of Human Capital ALFA

Joined ALFA in 1981. Bachelor’s degree from Tecnológico de Monterrey. Master's degree from Stanford University.

Board  Committees

To properly perform its duties, the Board of Directors is supported by three committees: A) The Audit Committee, B) The Corporate Practices Committee and C) The Planning and Finance Committee. Each board member participates in at least one of these committees and each committee is chaired by an independent director. The Audit and Corporate Practices Committees are comprised solely of independent directors. The Board meets six times a year to resolve matters within its purview. 

Board of  Directors

Juan Carlos Calderón Rojas (2)

Global Director of Employee Experience and Engagement at Sigma Alimentos, S.A. de C.V.

ALFA Board member since March 2023. Board member of Nemak, Grupo Franca, Movimiento Congruencia, COPARMEX, Casino Monterrey and Universidad de Monterrey (UDEM).

Enrique Castillo Sánchez Mejorada (1A, B)

Chief Executive Officer of Tejocotes 134, S.C.

ALFA Board member since March 2010. Chairman of ALFA’s Corporate Practices Committee. Member of the Boards of Banco Nacional de México (Banamex), Southern Copper Corporation, Grupo Herdez, Médica Sur and Grupo Invekra.

Francisco Javier Fernández Carbajal (1C)

Chief Executive Officer of Servicios Administrativos Contry, S.A. de C.V.

ALFA Board member since March 2010. Chairman of ALFA's Planning and Finance Committee. Member of the boards of Cemex and VISA Inc.

Álvaro Fernández Garza (2C)

Chairman of the Board and President of ALFA, S.A.B. de C.V.

ALFA Board member since April 2005. Chairman of the Boards of Alpek and Universidad de Monterrey (UDEM). Co-chair of the Boards of Axtel and Controladora Axtel. Memeber of the Boards of Cydsa and Vitro.

Armando Garza Sada (2C)

Chairman of the Board of Nemak, S.A.B. de C.V.

ALFA Board member since April 1990. Co-chair of the Board of Controladora Axtel. Member of the Boards of Axtel, BBVA México, Cemex, Lamosa and Liverpool.

Claudio X. González Laporte (1B)

Chairman of the Board of Kimberly-Clark de México, S.A. de C.V.

ALFA Board member since December 1987. Board member of Fondo México, Grupo México and Grupo Carso, Consultant of Fondo Capital and Director Emeritus of General Electric Company.

David Martínez Guzmán (1C)

Founder and Managing Director of Fintech Advisory Inc.

ALFA Board member since March 2010. Board member of Cemex, ICATEN, Vitro and Banco Sabadell.

José Antonio Meade Kuribreña (1C)

Independent Advisor

ALFA Board member since February 2018. Board member of HSBC Holdings, Grupo Chedraui, Unicef México, Global Adaptation Center and Member of the Global Adaptation Commission.

Alejandra Palacios Prieto (1)

Independent advisor on business strategy, M&A, and regulatory compliance

ALFA Board Member since May 2024. Board Member of Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacífico, Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA) Mexico, School of Social Sciences and Government of Tecnológico de Monterrey, and International Women’s Forum (IWF), Mexico chapter.

Alejandro Ramírez Magaña (1B)

Chief Executive Officer of Cinépolis, S.A. de C.V.

ALFA Board member since February 2019. Board member of BBVA México, El Puerto de Liverpool and GEPP, Harvard University, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Sundance Institute, and Museum of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. President of the Global Film Federation, the Morelia International Film Festival, and the Advisory Board of the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies at Harvard University.

Adrián G. Sada Cueva (C)

Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Vitro, S.A.B. de C.V.

ALFA Board member since March 2021. Board member of Vitro, Nemak, the Mexican Business Council and Organización Vida Silvestre.

Federico Toussaint Elosúa (1A)

Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer of Grupo Lamosa, S.A.B. de C.V.

ALFA Board Member since April 2008. Chairman of ALFA’s Audit Committee. Member of the Boards of Xignux, Grupo Iconn, Regional Board Member of Banco de México, Banorte, Scotiabank, Universidad de Monterrey (UDEM), National Board Member of COPARMEX and Member of the Mexican Business Council.

Guillermo F. Vogel Hinojosa (1C)

Chairman of the Board of G Collado and Exportaciones IM Promoción, Vice Chairman of the World Board of Tenaris, S.A.

ALFA Board Member since April 2008. Board member of Techint, Banco Santander, Club de Industriales, Eximpro, Innovare R&D, Operbus, CCE, Universidad Panamericana-IPADE and the International Council of the Manhattan School of Music. Co-chair of the U.S.-Mexico CEO Dialogue.

Carlos Jiménez Barrera

Secretary of the Board