ALFA Fundación understands that investing in education is investing in the future. Every student who reaches their full potential strengthens the social fabric, creating a virtuous circle of progress and development. This work inspires and motivates, showing that positive change is possible when young people are given the tools and foundation they need to succeed.

The main goal is to support talented and underprivileged students so they will complete their university education and become agents of change in their communities. This comprehensive training approach encompasses academic teaching as well as personal and professional development. The students participate in international robotics competitions and Knowledge Olympiads, broadening their horizons and aspirations, and creating a lasting impact on each student’s life.

The program – designed by specialists – monitors students starting in high school, ensuring they receive the necessary support to reach university. To date, more than 5,500 students have benefited, with a notable gender balance: 43% are women and 57% men. More than 160 professionals have graduated from prestigious universities, both national and international.
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The success of ALFA Fundación graduates is a testament to the institution’s positive impact. As a result of their training and the opportunities they are provided, many have been employed by large multinational corporations, where they excel in their fields.
Connect with us on social media and follow the inspiring stories of our young people on ALFA’s platforms.
Connect with us on social media and follow the inspiring stories of our young people on ALFA’s platforms.